If you are a current graduating senior looking to attend Southwestern College
Current High School Students interested in taking College courses while still in high school
If you are a current San Ysidro High School Student interested in taking SWC courses on your own at Southwestern College campus.
College/High School Concurrent Enrollment
High school students enrolled in 10th through 12th grades may be admitted for concurrent enrollment at Southwestern College with the approval of their high school principal or counselor and parent. The high school principal or designee shall determine and recommend the classes the student may enroll in. Students admitted in this category are subject to college regulations regarding admissions, attendance, prerequisites, scholarship, and personal conduct. All courses attempted and the units earned will be recorded on the student's permanent record for future use toward college graduation requirements.
Students are limited to taking no more than two classes or six (6) units per semester or summer session.
Note: Students enrolled in home school programs must provide one item from the following list of documentation prior to enrolling for classes.
Click to start your process: HERE
High School Special Form